I went to make some necessary changes to the website this evening. They weren’t necessarily huge changes, but they needed to be made. Anyway, I tried to update the theme. Oh, I updated it all right.
The update upgraded all of my content right into the trash.
Now, this was a pain. I’m not going to lie about that. I had to re-create everything from scratch, and I’m sure you can understand just how much I loved doing that. But since I was there anyway, I played around a little.
I’m still not overjoyed with the website, but I’ve made some progress. I’ll have to count that as done. Everything is in its place for now.

I’ve been working on a few projects, in addition to finding new and clever ways to erase my entire website. I went to the RWA’s national conference in Denver, where I treated myself to a tour of local beer joints in addition to getting a good education in my craft and meeting up with some good friends. (You can follow my sudsy travels on my Facebook page, @JVSpeyerAuthor, if you’re so inclined.)
I’ve also been working, and working hard. I’ve been working at the Day Job, which is a job. I’m a ghost writer, so the key word there is “ghost.” There isn’t much to update you on there. I’ve submitted a couple of projects to publishers, so we’ll see if those pan out. I’ve worked on projects I have not submitted to publishers, but that’s a story for another time.
And I’ve been working on another project, a super secret project.

Okay, so it’s not so secret. I’m working on a new series of romantic suspense novels that celebrate some of the weird, wonderful, and creepy aspects of New England. The area is just chock full of so many spooky old stories, and I just had to use them as a backdrop for some fun romantic suspense tales.
The first book is written, and is in the editing stages. I’m a little over half done with the first draft on the second book. Both books are set in places I’ve actually been, and where I’ve experienced the creep factor first hand. I’m excited to share them with you, and it’s been fun to give them new life on the page!
Anyway, that’s what I’ve been up to. How about you?