A very long time ago, in 2009, the Spouse and I developed a tradition. Any time the Yankees (our favorite team) were getting blown out, we would make daiquiris. Our preference was for strawberry daiquiris, but just about any fruit would do. I don’t recommend apple daiquiris. Anyway, if you’re not a big baseball fan, 2009 was the last year the Yankees won the World Series, so I guess our daiquiris worked.
The season isn’t very old yet, but we were watching a game that was getting frustrating. The Spouse looked at me and said, “Daiquiris.” We argued back and forth about who had to get up and actually make the daiquiris, because I was enjoying a book and didn’t want to move. Unfortunately, we didn’t have any daiquiri mix, so I had to get up and make things happen.
What’s that? Daiquiris without a mix? Yes, and you can do it too!
Dole makes these wonderful frozen, pre-measured fruit pouches. It’s 8 ounces of fruit. They’re intended for smoothies. I do use them for smoothies. I decided I’d use one to make my daiquiris. It does involve single-use plastic, but my local Wegmans recycles plastic bags and packaging so I don’t feel quite as bad about it.
I had rum, and I had lime juice. What I did not have was the right kind of sugar. I like to make daiquiris with raw sugar, because I like a little bit of grittiness and because I like the flavor better than I do white sugar. Your mileage may vary. I didn’t have any this time around, but I had simple syrup. It blends better into the beverage and you can use less of it than you would regular sugar, which is better for your health.
Because, you know, the main thing you’re looking for in a daiquiri is healthiness.
Anyway, here’s the formal recipe. It makes 2 drinks. If you’re concerned about the plastic straws, we do wash and re-use them.
Mixed-fruit Daiquiris (makes 2)
2 8-oz packets Dole strawberry smoothie mix (contains strawberries, pineapples, coconut, banana)
2/3 cup dark rum
¼ cup simple syrup
Lime juice to taste
2 pint glasses crushed ice
- Pour all ingredients into a blender
- Blend until thoroughly pureed
- Serve
- Hope the Yankees win tomorrow