We eat a lot of pasta. It could be easily said that we eat too much pasta, but I’m not exactly ashamed of it. I work hard, the Spouse works hard, and our circumstances require a pretty flexible schedule. Pasta is something I can usually fix in an hour or less, and I can be creative with the toppings.
This one is a pretty simple dish I’ve made probably about a thousand times. The key here is to slice the chicken thin, to maximize the surface area and minimize cooking time.
Chicky Pasta (serves 4 – 6)
1 box whole grain pasta
1 pound chicken thighs, thinly sliced into 1 – 2” pieces
1 pound bag frozen chopped spinach
1 bottle spiedie marinade
1 – 2 tablespoons olive oil
- Bring a large pot of water to a boil. You can add salt if you want; it’s traditional, but I usually omit it for specific health reasons. If your family is in general good health you probably don’t need to.
- Add the pasta and return to a boil.
- In the meantime, prep your chicken. Heat the oil in a large, deep skillet.
- Add the spinach and 1 – 2 ladles of water from the pasta pot.
- Add the spiedie sauce. Bring to a simmer.
- When the pasta is cooked to your degree of doneness, drain it.
- Put that drained pasta into your serving bowl. Top it with the contents of your skillet.
- Serve.
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