A brilliant scientist out to save the world. A jaded agent looking to save the one he lost. And a conspiracy that spans oceans, reaching into the deepest parts of American national security. Lennon is a genius. He’s devoted his energy and his time to designing products to save lives. He’s gotten rich doing it,…
Chicky Pasta
We eat a lot of pasta. It could be easily said that we eat too much pasta, but I’m not exactly ashamed of it. I work hard, the Spouse works hard, and our circumstances require a pretty flexible schedule. Pasta is something I can usually fix in an hour or less, and I can be…
Character: It’s A Mother
Romance is all about relationships, but it’s not necessarily all about romantic relationships. The romantic relationship(s) are primary to the book in question, but other relationships in the character’s life have formed who that person is and how they relate to their beloved. Even if their families never show up on the page, they’ve still…
Cover Me
I went to a book signing recently, not as a reader but as a writer. It was kind of a harrowing experience for me, because I’m one of those *super introverts* who finds human contact of any kind to be terrifying. Creepy dark forests with legendary creatures? No problem. Actual human beings with questions? Scariest…
Crochet Cowl – Recycled Silk
I still consider myself fairly new to crochet. I’ve been trying to learn for a year or two, but I don’t have a lot of time to practice and my skills are kind of lacking. I signed up for a subscription service back when I still had a day job, in the hopes it would…
A Ledge, A Forest, And A Book
We’ve already spoken about Donovan’s character development in Absolution. He has to go through some difficult moments, and face some not so pleasant truths, before he can move forward with his relationship with Luis. There’s more to the story of Absolution than just Donovan needing to get through thirty-something years of insecurity, though. The story…
Baked Penne
When I first got together with the person who is now my Spouse, we made a commitment to eating a home cooked meal together every Sunday night. It was my way of honoring a family tradition, and it was his attempt to mitigate the health effects of living on the road five days a week….
Donovan’s Absolution
Hunter was mostly Luis’ story, even though the story is told through alternating points of view. The story is about a modern serial killer and Luis’ discovery of abilities that help to catch him, but it’s also about issues Luis has lived with since he was a child – isolation, lack of community, anxiety, depression,…
A Book I Didn’t Finish
I started up a review site (http://www.reviewsbyjaye.com/ if you’re curious) and so far it’s been fun. I review mostly romance, mostly LGBTQ+ books, just as you’d expect, and I enjoy it. Sometimes, though, I hit a wall. I either get frustrated with romance in general, or I get into one of those reading ruts everyone…
Consolatory Daiquiri
A very long time ago, in 2009, the Spouse and I developed a tradition. Any time the Yankees (our favorite team) were getting blown out, we would make daiquiris. Our preference was for strawberry daiquiris, but just about any fruit would do. I don’t recommend apple daiquiris. Anyway, if you’re not a big baseball fan,…